Partnerships between Jordanian Companies and Israeli Company New Med Energy, Active in the Israeli Gas Supply Chain

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Partnerships between Jordanian Companies and Israeli Company New Med Energy, Active in the Israeli Gas Supply Chain

identified New Med Energy is a company operating in the exploration, development, and production of natural gas and condensates in Israel’s energy supply chain. A study of companies in the Islamic world engaged with New Med Energy showed that Jordanian companies Arab Potash, Jordan Bromine, and the Jordanian Electric Power Company (NEPCO) collaborate with the company.

In 2014, Jordanian companies Arab Potash and Jordan Bromine signed a contract to import 2 billion cubic meters of gas from Israel’s Tamar field over 15 years. This gas is not exported directly by Tamar’s operating consortium (including Delek Drilling, Noble Energy, and Isramco); rather, it is supplied via the U.S. company Noble Energy, which partners with New Med Energy. Natural gas flow began in January 2017, marking Israel’s first export of natural gas [1]. In September 2016, following the development of various reservoirs, New Med Energy and the Leviathan Partnership signed a contract to sell 45 billion cubic meters of natural gas to NEPCO over a 15 year period [2].


[1] Gas brings Israel and Egypt closer than ever
[2] הסכם ענק: שותפויות לוויתן ימכרו גז לירדן בכ-10 מיליארד דולר