New Med Energy: A Bottleneck in the Supply Chain of the Israel’s Gas

New Med Energy (NWMD), previously known as Delek Drilling, is an Israeli gas company involved in the exploration, development, and production of natural gas and condensates. This company, which is a subsidiary of the Delek Group, was established by Avinoam Finkelman following an agreement signed on July 1, 1993, between Delek Drilling Management Ltd and […]
Identification of the Israeli Company New Med Energy in the Supply Chain of Gas for the Israel

New Med Energy, together with its partner Noble Energy, was the first company to commercially supply natural gas to Israel’s economy. In 2000, it became the first entity in the history of the Israel to establish infrastructure for power generation using natural gas in Israel [2]. Another entity, Avner Partnership, a subsidiary of Delek Group, […]
Identification of the Israeli Company Israel Natural Gas Lines, Active in the Gas Supply Chain of Israel

Israel Natural Gas Lines is an Israeli company active in the gas sector, to delineate the oil and gas supply chain of Israel. Israel Natural Gas Lines Co is a state-owned enterprise established in 2003 to create and operate a network of natural gas pipelines for the transmission of compressed gas through a national network […]